UBC Physics & Astronomy Graduate Open House

Friday March 21, 2014: Potential supervisors' availability

Available Hrs
Ian Affleck
Condensed Matter Theory
Henn 406
Prof. Affleck's group works on condensed matter theory for strongly correlated systems such as superconductors, quantum magnets and quantum impurities. There may be an opening in the group with preference for a student supported by a scholarship.
Sonia Bacca
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
See Comments

My research interests focus on understanding and predicting properties of nuclei, ranging from few- to many-body systems, and to study their influence in astrophysics. I have available projects for graduate students on two topics: 1) electro-scattering and neutrino-scattering of medium-mass nuclei and 2) nuclear structure corrections in light muonic atoms as a tool to help understanding the proton radius puzzle raised in 2010.  I am out of town during the Open House event, but I am available for discussions if you are interested in these topics. Please send me an e-mail at bacca(at)triumf.ca to arrange a meeting.
John Behr
Experimental Particle and Nuclear Physics
Our group tests standard model predictions of the correlation in direction of the neutrino and other products of nuclear beta decay.  We do this by trapping and spin-polarizing beta-decaying atoms with laser cooling techniques.  Projects are available at M.Sc. level in atomic and nuclear instrumentation, and at Ph.D. level in building, analyzing, and interpreting a full correlation experiment. I'm also available during the Saturday tour of TRIUMF.
Aaron Boley
Henn 320A
My research program uses theory and observations to explore a wide range of processes in the formation of planets, from the birth of planet-forming disks to the long-term evolution of planetary systems.  Key science objectives are to determine (1) how closely the star and planet formation processes are linked; (2) how and when solids are processed in planet-forming disks; (3) how debris systems acquire their morphologies; (4) how moon formation can be used to understand the planet formation process; (5) whether there are multiple modes of gas giant planet formation and, if so, the frequency for which each mode occurs; and, (6) the observational consequences for different planet-forming disk evolution models and planet formation theories.
Doug Bonn
Condensed Matter Experiment
Research opportunities: broad activities in high temperature superconductivity and quantum materials includes crystal growth and materials preparation, microwave properties of materials, broadband microwave spectroscopy below 1 Kelvin, scanning tunneling spectroscopy, transport and magnetic properties, and high magnetic field measurements.
Douglas Bryman
Experimental Particle Physics
1300-1500 TRIUMF

1520-1600 Henn 286

My group specializes in high precision measurements of rare decays of light particles aiming to reveal new physics at high mass scales. We are currently working on  high sensitivity experiments with pions,  muons,  and kaons  at TRIUMF (PIENU),  and Fermilab (ORKA).  The group is also pursuing applications of particle physics technologies.
Sarah Burke
Condensed Matter Experiment

(except during AMPEL tour)
My group uses Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques to investigate the nanoscale structure and electronic properties of materials.  We are primarily interested in carbon-based materials (including graphene and organic molecules) and how structure and local electronic and optoelectronic properties are related in these materials for future electronics, and photovoltaic applications.  We are part of the Laboratory for Advanced Imaging Research, and also look at other types of materials under collaborations with other researchers (eg. iron-based superconductors with the superconductivity group).

Contact me at saburke(at)phas.ubc.ca should you wish to arrange a meeting at at some other time than Friday afternoon.
Anadi Canepa
Experimental Particle Physics

Henn 309
ATLAS is one of the flagship particle physics experiments operating at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland, the highest energy accelerator in the world. The major scientific success of the first period of data taking was the discovery of a Higgs boson in 2012 which led to the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013. Starting in 2015, proton-proton collision data will be collected at almost double the centre-of-mass energy till ~2030. This will open a unique window of opportunities for the discovery of physics beyond the standard model.  My research interest is in searches for supersymmetry. Supersymmetry can explain the Dark Matter in the Universe, the discovery of which will revolutionize the understanding of Nature.  Our group is also strongly involved in the construction of new muon chambers for the ATLAS detector.
Anna Celler
Medical Physics
VGH Research Pavilion

#366-828 West 10th Avenue
The main focus of research projects of the Medical Imaging Research Group (MIRG) is on investigation and development of new clinically relevant methods for nuclear medicine imaging. One of our principal research themes is the development of fully quantitative methods for improved diagnosis of disease, personalized radionuclide therapy planning and evaluation of radiotherapy outcomes. Closely related is investigation of cyclotron-based production of radioisotopes for medical applications.
Matt Choptuik
Relativity &
Computational Physics
1400-1630 Henn 403
Research in our group focuses on the computational solution of the field equations of general relativity, other classical non-linear field theories and relativistic (magneto)-hydrodynamics. Specific areas of study include gravitational  collapse and black hole formation, dynamics and interaction of gravitationally-compact objects, higher-dimensional black objects,  and black hole accretion processes.
Andrea Damascelli
Condensed Matter Experiment

Quantum Materials Lab
The research activity of the Quantum Materials Lab focuses on the study of the low-energy electronic structure and, in particular, of the interplay between the spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom in novel complex systems, and one and two-dimensional nanostructures. Our primary tools are angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (so-called ARPES) and other highly-advanced synchrotron-based spectroscopies.
Cheryl Duzenli
Medical Physics
BC Cancer Agency

Josh Folk
Condensed Matter Experiment
Henn 101

Quantum Devices Lab
The Quantum Devices group uses nanofabrication techniques and ultra-low temperature electronic measurements (within one hundredth of a degree of absolute zero) to "see" quantum phenomena on a chip, with in-situ and rapid control over the system Hamiltonian provided by electrostatic gates.  The characteristics of particular interest to our group are quantum coherence and decoherence in solid state, single spin detection and control, many-body correlated states, and non-abelian quasiparticles in fractional quantum Hall systems.
Brett Gladman
Planetary Astronomy
Henn 300B
The planetary astronomy group studies: (1) The orbital distribution of asteroids, comets, and moons, in the Solar System, (2) studies the orbital evolution of these small bodies theoretically, via large-scale numerical integrations, (3) observationally and theoretically investigates extrasolar planetary systems.
Mark Halpern
Experimental Cosmology

Anytime Friday
Henn 204/206
My lab is engaged in several cosmological experiments aimed at studying fundamental physics.

We are building  CHIME, the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity-Mapping Experiment, a novel radio telescope designed to measure the three dimensional distribution of neutral hydrogen out to redshift 2.5, and to infer the expansion history of the Universe from the data.  This is a Dark Energy experiment.  Professors Hinshaw and Sigurdson are also part of CHIME.

We are involved in several experiments to measure the Cosmic Microwave Background polarization.  These experiments probe essential features of inflation, the leading model for how the Universe became so large and stable.
Christopher Hearty
Experimental Particle Physics

Henn 268
The Belle-II experiment, located at the KEK laboratory in Japan, will search for new physics at mass scales beyond the direct reach of the LHC by studying a wide range of bottom, charm, and tau decays. I previously worked on the BaBar experiment, which, among many other results, observed CP violation in the B meson system. This measurement was noted in the 2008 Nobel Prize in physics. Belle-II will operate at the same energy as BaBar, but will collect 100x the data. We are currently upgrading the detector for the start of data taking in 2016.
Jeremy Heyl
Astrophysics & Astronomy
Henn 417
My recent research has focussed on compact objects: white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. These are the most extreme objects in the universe since the Big Bang. Astrophysicists think that they provide the power behind quasars and gamma-ray bursts, the brightest objects in the recent universe.  I study these objects both from a theoretical point of view, using high-performance computing and pen-and-paper techniques, and observationally using data from the ground- and space-based telescopes.  Because I am a theorist I focus on what these objects can tell us about fundamental physics and how our current knowledge or speculation about fundamental physics can help us understand these phenomena. The areas of physics that my research sometimes covers include:

        - High-energy astrophysics
        - Nuclear physics
        - High-energy physics (particle physics)
        - General relativity
        - Cosmology
        - Condensed matter physics
        - Atomic physics
        - Classical dynamics
Paul Hickson Astrophysics 1500-1700 Henn 305 My current research interests include astronomical instrumentation, adaptive optics and laser systems, mesospheric sodium dynamics, robotic telescopes, astronomical site characterization, and the effects of turbulence on optical propagation. I am also involved in the scientific development of the Thirty-Metre Telescope project.
Gary Hinshaw
Observational Cosmology

Hennings 341 or 206

Prof. Hinshaw's group is engaged in a variety of projects in observational cosmology including the WMAP mission and a number of ground-based experiments designed to further our understanding of Inflation and Dark Energy.  Of note, we are constructing a novel digital radio telescope at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory in Penticton to measure large scale structure in the universe and to probe its expansion history. 
Jenny Hoffman
Experimental Condensed Matter
Friday 1330-1700

The Hoffman lab uses molecular beam epitaxy to grow novel materials one layer at at a time, and high resolution scanning probe techniques to image and manipulate their nanoscale electronic and magnetic properties. Particular interests include topological materials, high temperature superconductors, and other strongly correlated oxides.

Prof. Hoffman will be moving to UBC from Harvard in July 2015. She is looking for a few ambitious new graduate students who will take leadership roles in transitioning and expanding the lab. These students will spend their first year abroad, operating film growth and microscopy experiments at Harvard, then return to UBC to finish their PhDs with new experimental capabilities and collaboration opportunities.

If you would like to meet with Prof. Hoffmann on Saturday, email her jhoffman(at)physics.harvard.edu to arrange an appointment.
David Jones
Experimental AMO and Condensed Matter
My lab pursues development of novel lasers (femtosecond oscillators and frequency combs, narrow linewidth CW lasers) and application of these sources to new studies in spectroscopy and imaging. Currently, we have a one or two openings on our XUV spectroscopy project where we are using our newly developed XUV laser to pursue time-resolved photo-electron spectroscopy/microscopy on correlated electron systems and organic molecules.

Please feel free to contact me (djjones@physics.ubc.ca) if you'd like further information and to arrange an appointment/tour.
Joanna  Karczmarek
String Theory
Henn 400
My reseach interests lie in the area of string theory. Recently, I have been thinking about time dependence, the nonsinglet sectors of the c=1 matrix model, String Field Theory, and the Black Hole information paradox. I also have an interest in emergent spacetime and emergent geometry, as well as time dependence. In the past, I have worked on matrix cosmologies, S-branes and the dynamics of tachyon condensation, as well as noncommutative geometry, matrix models and nonabelian structures in spacetime.
Rob Kiefl
Experimental Condensed Matter
Henn 407
All electronic, magnetic and structural properties of a material are altered near an interface between two materials due to the broken translational symmetry and the influence that one material can have another.  There are only a few experimental methods which are capable of probing local properties in a depth resolved manner.  We have developed one of these in Canada at TRIUMF called depth-resolved beta-detected NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance). The only other similar method is low energy muon spin rotation/relaxation which can only be performed at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland. Our goal is to explore electronic properties of interfaces of quantum materials (where electrons exhibit coherent collective effects such as superconductivity) using these newly developed nuclear methods.
Alison Lister
Experimental Particle Physics

ATLAS is one of the flagship particle physics experiments operating at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland, the highest energy accelerator in the world. The major scientific success of the first period of data taking was the discovery of a Higgs boson in 2012 which led to the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013. Starting in 2015, proton-proton collision data will be collected at almost double the centre-of-mass energy till ~2030. This will open a unique window of opportunities for the discovery of physics beyond the standard model.  My research interest is in searching for signs of physics beyond the standard model using top quarks. As the heaviest known fundamental particle, it plays a special role in many models predicting new particles and/or forces, from extensions beyond three generations in the SM, to Little Higgs models, via some supersymmetric models, to name only a few.

The link to my UBC webpage is HERE.

While I will be at CERN during the open house, I encourage interested students to chat with Dr Canepa and Dr Stelzer-Chilton, who will be in Room 309 from 1PM to 5PM.
Kirk Madison
Experimental Condensed Matter &
1330-1700 Chem/Phys A015
In our group, we create Bose Einstein condensates and Fermi-degenerate gases comprised of atoms and molecules.  These macroscopic quantum objects are at temperatures below 500 nK and we are using them to study many-body quantum mechanics and ultracold coherent chemistry.  We are also investigating industry relevant applications of ultra-cold gases including a new primary standard of pressure based on cold atoms. Please contact Kirk W. Madison via email (madison@phas.ubc.ca) if you interested in more details and/or a lab tour.
Jaymie Matthews
Henn 320-B
My research focuses on exoplanets (planets beyond the Solar System; their detection and characterisation) and stellar astrophysics as explored through asteroseismology (using surface vibrations to probe internal structure).  I am Mission Scientist of Canada's MOST space telescope, and an Executive Council member of NASA's Kepler satellite mission.
Carl Michal
Biophysics, NMR
Henn 411
Research in our group focuses on understanding the molecular basis for the mechanical properties and function of structural biological materials.  Materials we are interested in include silk from spiders, resilin, a rubber protein from insects, sea-snail egg capsule protein, and nano-crystalline cellulose.  We are also currently working with a group of chemists and engineers on developing and characterizing materials for energy storage applications.  Our primary research tool is solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, and three high-field NMR spectrometers are available within the group.
Taka Momose
AMO & Experimental Subatomic Physics
Chem Phys A003
SAP: ALPHA is an international collaboration based at CERN, and whose aim is to trap antihydrogen atoms, the antimatter counterpart of the simplest atom, hydrogen for the study of fundamental symmetries between matter and antimatter as well as gravity.  We are actively recruiting new students who will work on the development of particle detectors and lasers etc. as well as numerical simulations.  SAP: UCN is an international collaboration based at TRIUMF, and whose aim is to create and trap ultracold neutron for the test of fundamental symmetry of the universe by measuring neutron EDM.  We are actively recruiting new students who will work on the development of UCN detectors, comagnetometers, data analysis and lasers etc.  AMO: Our group is investigating physics and chemistry of cold and ultracold molecules created by various molecular decelerators by means of laser spectroscopy.  Please contact me via email (momose(at)chem.ubc.ca) if you are interested in any of these projects.
David Morrissey
Theoretical Particle Physics
Henn 334
My research concentrates on possible new particles and forces that could be discovered in upcoming collider experiments, precision measurements, and cosmological observations.  Specific examples include candidates for dark matter, mechanisms to explain the excess of matter over antimatter, and searches for new phenomena at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Petr Navratil
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
See Comments

My research focuses on ab initio approaches to nuclear structure and reactions. The goal is to theoretically describe light and medium mass nuclei as systems of nucleons interacting by realistic inter-nucleon forces, i.e., forces derived from the quantum chromodynamics by means of the chiral effective field theory.  Applications include calculations of nuclear reactions important for astrophysics that are hard to measure and calculations of fusion reactions important for the future energy generation. I am out of town during the open house. I can be contacted directly at navratil(at)triumf.ca
Scott Oser
Experimental Particle Physics
Henn 342
The T2K experiment studies oscillations of neutrinos produced at the J-PARC accelerator in Eastern Japan as they travel 295 km to the Super-Kamiokande detector.  The UBC experimental neutrino effort consists of Profs. Scott Oser and Hiro Tanaka.  We seek to measure the oscillation parameters describing neutrino mixings and masses with unprecedented precision.
Steve Plotkin
Theoretical and Computational Biophysics
Henn 401
Our group seeks to answer fundamental questions in theoretical biophysics, using both analytical and computational methods. I am looking to supervise Ph.D. students in the following research areas: Dynamics and disorder in the theory of protein folding, misfolding, and aggregation; Quantum evolution and decoherence in electron/proton-mediated biological function; The connection between evolutionary genetics and protein stability and function; DNA organization, function and dynamics; Protein-DNA interactions; Pattern formation and symmetry breaking in morphogenesis. More details are available HERE.
Robert Raussendorf
Quantum Information
Henn 338
My research interest is in quantum computation, in particular computational models. One object of study in this field is measurement-based quantum computation. My collaborators and I have recently begun to relate computation in this scheme to Bell non-locality and quantum contextuality.  I hope that this approach on the long term will give clues for how to construct novel quantum algorithms. I also work in the field of fault-tolerant quantum computation. Error-correction is what a large-scale quantum computer spends most of its computation time with, and it is important to devise error-correction methods which allow for a high error threshold at a moderate operational overhead. My research interest is in fault-tolerance for quantum systems with a geometrical constraint, e.g. low-dimensional lattice systems, and in topological methods.
Harvey Richer
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Henn 306

Joerg Rottler
Computational Materials Physics
Henn 344A
Our group employs computer simulation techniques that range from ab-initio (density functional theory) methods, molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations to field theoretic (phase field) methods on the continuum scale in order to understand the atomistic origins of the behavior of complex materials. We are particular interested in structural and mechanical properties of disordered solids (glasses), (bio)-polymers, and interfaces in metal alloys. At present we looking to start new projects concerned with molecular simulations of semicrystalline polymers, block copolymer/nanoparticle systems, and coarse-grained models for DNA mechanics.
Douglas Scott
Henn 300A
Research topics range over observational and theoretical cosmology, particularly involving the origin and evolution of structure from the size of galaxies to the observable Universe.
Gordon Semenoff
Theoretical Physics
Henn 344
Prof Semenoff's research interests are in the areas of gauge fields, strings and gravity.
Ingrid Stairs

Radio Astronomy
Henn 324
My research focuses on observations of radio pulsars, with applications ranging from neutron-star astrophysics to tests of general relativity to searches for a background of gravitational waves.  Students in my group carry out observations with the world's largest radio telescopes, reduce the data and then tackle the scientific questions, often relying on high-performance computing.  There are opportunities for student involvement on a wide range of projects.
Oliver Stelzer-Chilton
Experimental Particle Physics

Henn 309
ATLAS is one of the flagship particle physics experiments operating at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland, the highest energy accelerator in the world. The major scientific success of the first period of data taking was the discovery of a Higgs boson in 2012 which led to the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013. Starting in 2015, proton-proton collision data will be collected at almost double the centre-of-mass energy till ~2030. This will open a unique window of opportunities for the discovery of physics beyond the standard model. My research interest is in searches for new physics, such as extra dimensions and new resonances as well as measurements and searches revolving around the newly discovered boson. Our group is also strongly involved in the construction of new muon chambers for the ATLAS detector.
Hirohisa Tanaka
Experimental Particle Physics

Henn 278

I work on the Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) long baseline experiment, together with Scott Oser. Recently, we have made the definitive observation of the conversion of muon neutrinos to electron neutrinos, a key element towards future study of CP violation or asymmetries in the behavior of neutrinos relative to their antimatter counterparts. CP violation would have enormous implications for our understanding of the structure of fundamental particles and potentially elucidate how the Universe came to the matter-dominated state we see today. Scott and I are also working on the SuperCDMS experiment, a search for dark matter. We are currently engaged in a proposal to bring this leading experiment to SNOLab, where backgrounds would be much lower than at the current site. Together with more, and much improved detectors, the sensitivity of the experiment will be significantly enhanced.
Bill Unruh
Theoretical Physics
Henn 311B

Mark Van Raamsdonk
String Theory, Quantum Gravity, Quantum Field Theory

Henn 420
My research focuses on quantum gravity / string theory, quantum field theory, and the remarkable equivalence between the two suggested by gauge theory/ gravity duality (a.k.a. the AdS/CFT correspondence). Currently, I am exploring connections between quantum information theory and quantum gravity, and using string theory (specifically gauge theory / gravity duality) to learn about strongly interacting quantum field theories.
Stan Yen
Experimental Particle Physics
and Sat. during TRIUMF Tour
Neutrinos provide a prompt signal of the nuclear and particle processes occurring inside a core-collapse supernova.  The HALO supernova neutrino detector, located 2 km underground at SNOLAB in Sudbury, Ontario, is a lead-based detector, unique in that it is primarily sensitive to electron neutrinos, rather than electron-antineutrinos as most other detectors.  We are working to complete HALO, to join the international SuperNova Early Warning system (SNEWS), and to develop a next-generation lead-loaded Cerenkov detector for supernova neutrinos.  I will also be available during or after the Saturday tour of TRIUMF.
Fei Zhou
Condensed Matter Theory & Theoretical AMO Physics
Henn 345
My research has been focused on correlated ultra cold atomic matter, especially optical lattice physics and cold gases near resonances.