#include <stdlib.h> #include <sdf_read.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <u_f.h> #include <init_f.h> #include <u_f_t.h> #include <init_f_t.h> #include <res_f.h> #include <res_f_t.h> #include <ire_f.h> /* Shapes: */ int Nx; int shape[1]; int dim; int level; /* Coordinates: */ double *x; /* Grid Functions: */ double *n_f; double *n_f_t; double *np1_f; double *np1_f_t; double *nm1_f; /* Parameters: */ double A; double tot_res; double ht; double x0; double delx; double init_v; double idsignum; double res_f,res_f_t; double ire_f; /* Coordinate Parameters: */ double x_max; double x_min; double hx; double bbox[2]; int phys_bdy[4]; /* Time Evolution Parameters: */ int steps; double lambda; double time; int output_freq; void swap_levels(double **a, double **b) { double *t; t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; } void set_cons(double *f, int N, double c) { int i; for(i=0;i<N;i++) f[i] = c; } void copy_lev(double **a, double **b) { *b = *a; } void read_params(char *p_file,double *A,double *x_min,double *lambda,double *idsignum, double *init_v,double *delx,int *level,double *x_max,int *Nx, int *steps,double *x0,int *output_freq) { get_param(p_file,"A","double",1,A); get_param(p_file,"x_min","double",1,x_min); get_param(p_file,"lambda","double",1,lambda); get_param(p_file,"idsignum","double",1,idsignum); get_param(p_file,"init_v","double",1,init_v); get_param(p_file,"delx","double",1,delx); get_param(p_file,"level","long",1,level); get_param(p_file,"x_max","double",1,x_max); get_param(p_file,"Nx","long",1,Nx); get_param(p_file,"steps","long",1,steps); get_param(p_file,"x0","double",1,x0); get_param(p_file,"output_freq","long",1,output_freq); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char pfile[64]; int j; strcpy(pfile,argv[1]); /* Initialization of Coordinate: */ dim =1; read_params(pfile,&A,&x_min,&lambda,&idsignum,&init_v,&delx, &level,&x_max,&Nx,&steps,&x0,&output_freq); Nx = Nx*(int)pow(2.0,(double)level)+1; steps = steps*(int)pow(2.0,(double)level); /* Allocating Memory to Grid Functions: */ x = vec_alloc(Nx); n_f = vec_alloc(1*Nx); n_f_t = vec_alloc(1*Nx); np1_f = vec_alloc(1*Nx); np1_f_t = vec_alloc(1*Nx); nm1_f = vec_alloc(Nx); hx = (x_max-x_min)/(Nx-1); dvumsh(x,Nx,x_min,x_max); ht = lambda*sqrt( 0.0+ hx*hx); shape[0]=Nx; bbox[0]=x_min; bbox[1]=x_max; time=0.0; init_f_(x,&Nx,&A,&x0,&delx,n_f); init_f_(x,&Nx,&A,&x0,&delx,np1_f); init_f_t_(x,&Nx,&A,&x0,&delx,&idsignum,n_f_t); init_f_t_(x,&Nx,&A,&x0,&delx,&idsignum,np1_f_t); gft_out_bbox("f.sdf",time,shape,dim,bbox,np1_f); gft_out_bbox("f_t.sdf",time,shape,dim,bbox,np1_f_t); printf("step: %d time: %f iter: %d res: %1.14e ire: %1.14e\n",0,time,0,0.0,0.0); for (int i=0; i<steps; i++) { j=0; tot_res = 1.0; ire_f = 0; while (tot_res > 1.0e-9) { u_f_(n_f,n_f_t,np1_f,np1_f_t,&Nx,&ht,phys_bdy,np1_f); u_f_t_(n_f,n_f_t,np1_f,np1_f_t,&Nx,&ht,&hx,phys_bdy,np1_f_t); res_f_(n_f,n_f_t,np1_f,np1_f_t,&Nx,&ht,phys_bdy,&res_f); res_f_t_(n_f,n_f_t,np1_f,np1_f_t,&Nx,&ht,&hx,phys_bdy,&res_f_t); tot_res=res_f/l2norm(Nx,np1_f) + res_f_t/l2norm(Nx,np1_f_t); j++; } if (i>1) { ire_f_(n_f,nm1_f,np1_f,&Nx,&ht,&hx,&ire_f); } time = time + ht; if ((i + 1) % (output_freq*(int)pow(2.0,(double)level)) == 0) { gft_out_bbox("f.sdf",time,shape,dim,bbox,np1_f); gft_out_bbox("f_t.sdf",time,shape,dim,bbox,np1_f_t); printf("step: %d time: %f iter: %d res: %1.14e ire: %1.14e\n",i+1,time,j,tot_res,ire_f); } rdvcpy(nm1_f,n_f,Nx); swap_levels(&np1_f,&n_f); swap_levels(&np1_f_t,&n_f_t); } gft_close_all(); }