Physics 329: Dept. of Physics Unix/NT Machines

The Dept. of Physics maintains a variety of Unix- and NT-based machines, many of which are located in the graduate computer lab, RLM 3.118. Access to the lab will be discussed in class, but note that you will be sharing the facility with a lot of graduate students, so getting an open seat in the lab on demand, particularly during peak hours, may become difficult. You should promptly report serious difficulties in getting access to a machine to the instructor so that alternative arrangements can be made.

Note: All of these machines are in the subdomain, so the full internet address of linux1 is etc.

Note: You will not, by default, get an account on the NT machines in the Lab. If you want such an account, see the instructor for a account-request form.

Machine Location CPU OS Public
linux1 RLM 3.118 486 Red Hat Linux Yes
linux2 RLM 3.118 486 Red Hat Linux Yes
linux3 RLM 3.118 486 Red Hat Linux Yes
linux5 RLM 3.118 486 Red Hat Linux Yes
linux6 RLM 3.118 486 Red Hat Linux Yes
linux7 RLM 7.126 686 Red Hat Linux No
linux9 RLM 3.118 686 Red Hat Linux Yes
linux10 RLM 3.118 686 x 2 Red Hat Linux Yes
linux11 RLM 3.118 686 Red Hat Linux Yes
ntgrad1 RLM 3.118 686 NT Yes
ntgrad2 RLM ??? 686 x 2 NT ???
ntgrad3 RLM 3.118 686 NT Yes