# Output from 'meps' on Cray J90 (Cray 64-bit floating point)

# First consider source code:  Only difference between this 
# version and the SGI version is that here we use 'e0' 
# rather than 'd0' for real*8 constants.  A double precision
# variable or constant (d0) on a Cray system uses 16 bytes
# and arithmetic involving such quantities is *not* 
# implemented in hardware, and consequently is very slow 
# compared to real*8 (e0) arithmetic.

charon 21> cat meps.f
c     Computes and reports estimate of machine epsilon.
c     Recall: machine epsilon is smallest positive 'eps' 
c     such that 
c             (1.0e0 + eps ) .ne. (1.0e0)
c     Program accepts optional argument which specifies 
c     division factor: values close to 1.0 will result 
c     in more accurate estimate of machine epsilon.
      program         meps

      implicit        none

c     Note use of 'r8arg', available in 'libp329f.a' which
c     works exactly like 'i4arg' except that it returns 
c     a real   value parsed from the specified command-line
c     argument
      real            r8arg

      real            default_fac
      parameter     ( default_fac = 2.0e0 )

      real            eps,         neweps,        fac

      fac = r8arg(1,default_fac)
      write(0,*) 'meps: using division factor: ', fac

      eps    = 1.0e0
      neweps = 1.0e0
      do while( .true. )
         if( 1.0e0 .eq. (1.0e0 + neweps) ) then
            write(*,*) eps
            eps    = neweps
            neweps = neweps / fac
         end if
      end do


charon 22> meps
 meps: using division factor: 2.
 STOP executed at line 38 in Fortran routine 'MEPS'
 CPU: 0.005s,  Wallclock: 0.015s,  4.2% of 8-CPU Machine
 Memory HWM: 200255, Stack HWM: 2048, Stack segment expansions: 0

charon 23> meps 1.01
 meps: using division factor: 1.009999999999998
 STOP executed at line 38 in Fortran routine 'MEPS'
 CPU: 0.009s,  Wallclock: 0.020s,  5.6% of 8-CPU Machine
 Memory HWM: 200257, Stack HWM: 2048, Stack segment expansions: 0

charon 24> meps 1.0001
 meps: using division factor: 1.000100000000003
 STOP executed at line 38 in Fortran routine 'MEPS'
 CPU: 0.338s,  Wallclock: 0.348s,  12.1% of 8-CPU Machine
 Memory HWM: 200257, Stack HWM: 2048, Stack segment expansions: 0