1 (Sep 22 & 27)
- Important: When working with xmaple (the
version of maple).
- Ensure that the Num Lock key is OFF.
Otherwise certain control keys such as Ctrl-j, Ctrl-k
etc. will not work as advertised in the GUI. (Num lock is
typically usually located in the upper left hand corner of the keypad
portion of a keyboard.)
- Save (Ctrl-s) your worksheet frequently
to guard against software/hardware crashes. (This comment clearly
applies to the use of any editing/composition software.)
- Important: Please note the following difference
betweens Maple V.4 (the documentation handed out in class) and Maple
8 (the version currently installed on the lnx machines).
- The percentage sign, %, replaces the
double-quotes character, ", as the shorthand for "last result";
similarly, %% replaces "" for "next-to-last result".
- The double pipe symbol, ||, replaces the
period/dot, ., as the concatenation operator.
- Getting your own copy of Maple: Ron Parachoniak
(Hennings 203) has a Maple 9 CD that you can borrow to install maple
on your own machine. Be prepared to leave something of value (driver's
license, credit card, cash etc.) as collateral to ensure prompt return
of the CD.
- Maple 8 window at
initial startup. A Taylor series
example. Sample invocation of maple from the command-line.
- Worksheet (PS) showing
calculations in Chapter 2 of Maple V Learning Guide by Heal et