The FORTRAN interface consists of three routines, one for each type of parameter. These routines can be called as shown below:
real*8 array2(5),p integer arr1(3),len character*16 b, sar(4) call get_real_param('myparam','p',0,p,1) call get_real_param('myparam','array2',0,array2,5) arr1(1)=1.0 arr1(2)=3.0 arr1(3)=6.0 call get_int_param('myparam','array1',1,arr1,3) len=10 call get_int_param('myparam','len',1,len,1) b='my string' call get_str_param('myparam','b',1,b,1) call get_str_param('myparam','stringar',0,sar,4)
The first argument is the name of the file. The second argument is the name of the parameter. The third argument is a flag which is set to 1 if the parameter has a default value, and 0 if not. The fourth argument is the storage for the paramenter, and the last is the number of elements in the parameter.