PGI Workstation User's Guide
The Portland Group Compiler Technology
9150 SW
Pioneer Court, Suite H
Wilsonville, OR 97070
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, The
Portland Group(TM) Compiler Technology,
STMicroelectronics makes no warranty for the use of its products and assumes no
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Group(TM) Compiler Technology, Microelectronics
retains the right to make changes to this information at any time, without
notice. The software described in this document is distributed under license
from The Portland Group(TM) Compiler Technology,
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Group(TM) Compiler Technology, STMicroelectronics
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their
products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this
manual, The Portland Group(TM) Compiler Technology,
STMicroelectronics was aware of a trademark claim. The designations have been
printed in caps or initial caps. Thanks is given to the Parallel Tools
Consortium and, in particular, to the High Performance Debugging Forum for
their efforts.
CDK and The Portland Group are trademarks and Cluster
Development Kit, PGI, PGF90, PGHPF, PGF77, PGCC,
PGPROF, and PGDBG are registered trademarks of
STMicroelectronics, Inc. Other brands and names are the property of their
respective owners. The use of STLport, a C++ Library is licensed
separately and license, distribution and copyright notice are found elsewhere
in this document.
PGI User's Guide
Copyright © 1998 - 2003
STMicroelectronics, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United
States of America
Part Number: 2300-990-888-0297
First Printing: Release 1.7, June 1998
Second Printing: Release 3.0, January 1999
Third Printing: Release 3.1, September 1999
Fourth Printing: Release 3.2, September 2000
Fifth Printing: Release 4.0, May 2002
Sixth Printing: Release 4.1, March 2003
Technical support: trs@pgroup.com
Sales: sales@pgroup.com